Alpine Energy

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We operate under Corporate Governance Principles

We operate under a set of Corporate Governance Principles designed to ensure we, and our subsidiaries, are effectively managed.

Board of Directors
The Board is the governing body of Alpine Energy Limited (AEL) and currently has seven members. The Board is appointed by shareholders to oversee the management of AEL and is also responsible for all corporate governance matters. The Board endeavours to ensure that the activities undertaken are carried out in the best interests of all shareholders while respecting the rights of other stakeholders. The Board meets 10 times during the year.


Parent: Melissa Clark-Reynolds (Chair), Rebecca Keoghan, Kevin Winders and Karen Coutts

Operation of the Board

The Board is responsible for the management, supervision and direction of AEL. This incorporates the long-term strategic financial plan, strategic initiatives, budgets and policy framework. The Board has developed and maintains clear policies which define the individual and collective responsibilities of the Board and management.

Audit and Risk Committee
Comprising of three Directors (Kevin Winders (Chair), Rebecca Keoghan and one vacant position), the Committee meets with the companies' auditor, oversee financial reporting, tax planning, regulatory compliance, risk management and manages treasury requirements.

Board Health & Safety Committee
Comprising of three Directors (Rebecca Keoghan (Chair), Karen Coutts and Kevin Winders), the Committee assists the Board to provide leadership and policy in discharging its health and safety responsibilities within AEL.

People Performance and Culture Committee
Comprising of three Directors (Melissa Clark-Reynold (Chair) and Karen Coutts), to oversee the people, performance, remuneration and culture related policies, frameworks and practices.