Alpine Energy

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A bit about us

The power to your home or place of work comes through the cables connected to poles or laid out below ground. These poles and cables are owned and maintained by us to ensure you have a constant and reliable supply of electricity powering your home or business.

We are owned by the South Canterbury community and therefore all profits go back into the community by way of dividends to our shareholders or through local sponsorship.

Our shareholders are:

  • Timaru District Holdings Company (47.5%)
  • LineTrust South Canterbury (40%)
  • Waimate District Council (7.54%)
  • Mackenzie District Council (4.96%)

How we contribute to community wellbeing

The money we make through electricity distribution is re-directed back to the South Canterbury community.

The district’s councils use the money to help pay for essential infrastructure. The LineTrust distributes the money they receive from us as a rebate to South Canterbury power consumers. Our share of the profit is used to support community events and local people through sponsorship.

We also employ about 220 staff across our companies and contribute significantly to the economic success of the region.

Who we are and what we do

It is not uncommon for us to be mistaken for a retailer – a company which sells you electricity. An example of a retailer is Meridian Energy, Contact Energy or Mercury Energy.

Our income comes from what we charge retailers to deliver power to your home or business through our poles and wires. We also generate income through other revenue streams such as fibre and through our subsidiary companies.

Our line charges are passed on to the retailer who then decide if they will pass on those charges to you, the consumer.